All about me

Hi, I'm afraid I'll have to keep my name anonymous just for the sake of teacher's reputation and in case this webpage makes it to the internet.Just in case. But don't worry, I'm not going to keep this page too private, as I am aware of the expression on your faces, bursting to hear all about me.
Well, here goes.

My family

My family consists of a lot of people scattered all around the world. But here are the ones I have to live my every day life with.

Name: Roma
Age: 15
Personality: Grumpy and sporty
Passion: Rowing and hanging out with friends.

Name: Will
Age: 42
Personality: Serious and intelligent
Passion: Computing and riding.

Name: Adele
Age: 46
Personality: Curious and intelligent
Passion: Dancing and reading

Me and my pony Munzi

Trumpet Music

Liza Horse Quiz:
LizaQuiz.aia - Source code. Download this file and then Import it as a project at the App Inventor web site at
LizaQuiz.apk - Download to play on Android device