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Henry I Beauclerc (King of England 1100-1135)
 Relationship to George William Goldie
SEP 1068 Selby, Yorkshire, England
William I The Conqueror (King of England 1066-1087)
Matilda de Flandre
5 AUG 1100 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Isabel (Elizabeth) De Beaumont No Marriage
Gieva De Tracy Unmd
Adeliza Adela Of Louvain 29 JAN 1120/1121 Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
M England
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
G England
G England
C England
E Normandy
Born: Normandy, France
J England
Sibyl (Adela) (Lucy) CORBET
Born: Dunstanville, Kent, England
Died: 1 JUL 1175 Chertsey, Surry, England
Alice of England
Died: BEF 1141
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
Reginald FitzRoy de Mortain
Died: 1 JUL 1175 Chertsey, Surrey, England
D England
Edith de Greystoke
Robert FitzRoy
Born: of Okehampton, Devonshire, England
Died: 31 MAY 1172
Edith ??
Maud of England
Born: ABT 1086
Died: 25 NOV 1120 off Barfleur, Normandy
Nesta Verch Rhys ABT 1099 No Marriage
Maud Princess Of England
Born: 1086 England
Died: DECEASED Drowned In Wreck Of The White Ship Along With Prince William
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
Robert de Mellent de Caen, 1st Earl of Gloucester
Born: 11 APR 1088 Caen, Normandy, France
William de Tracy
Born: AFT 1090 of Bradninch, Devonshire, England
Died: ABT 1135
Edith Fitzforne NOT MARRIED No Marriage
William De Tracy
Born: AFT 1090 Bradninch, Devonshire, England
Died: AFT 1135
Robert de Caen
Born: ABT 1090 Caen, Normandy
Died: 31 OCT 1147 Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Edith Fitzforne NOT MARRIED No Marriage
Robert "The King's Son" Caen
Born: ABT 1090 Caen, Calvados, France
Died: 31 OCT 1147 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng
Matilda Princess Of Scotland 11 NOV 1100 Westminster Abbey, London, Middlesex, England
Elizabeth Princess Of England
Born: 1095 Talby, Yorkshire, England
Edith Fitzforne NOT MARRIED No Marriage
Constance Of England
Born: 1098 England
Alice Princess Of England
Born: ABT 1099 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Died: 1141 Montmorency, Val D'oise, France
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
Emme of England
Born: ABT 1100 France
Reginald Fitzroy
Born: ABT 1100 Dunstanville, Kent, England
Died: 1 JUL 1175 Chertsey, Sussex, England
Matilda Princess Of Scotland 11 NOV 1100 Westminster Abbey, London, Middlesex, England
Euphamia Of England
Born: JUL 1101 Winchester, Hampshire, England
Died: ABT 1102 England
Son Prince Of England
Born: JUL 1101 England
(Matilda) MAUD
Born: 7 FEB 1101 Winchester, Hampshire
Died: 10 SEP 1167 Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
William "Atheling" England
Born: BEF 5 AUG 1103 Selby, Yorkshire, England
Died: 26 NOV 1119 Wreck Of White Ship At Sea
Matilda "The Empress" Princess Of England
Born: FEB 1102/1103 London, Middlesex, England
Died: 10 SEP 1167 Notre Dame, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
Sibylla Fitzhenry
Born: ABT 1104 Domfront, Normandy, France
Died: 12 JUL 1122 Island Of The Woman, Loch Tay, Scotland
Nesta Verch Rhys ABT 1099 No Marriage
Henry Fitzhenry
Born: ABT 1105 Of Narberth & Pebidiog, Wales
Died: 1157 Anglesey, Wales
Nest verch Rhys ap Tewdwr of Wales
Henry FitzHenry of England
Born: ABT 1105
Died: 1158 Anglesey, Wales
Sybilla Corbet No Marriage
William Constable Of England
Born: BEF 1105
Matilda Princess Of Scotland 11 NOV 1100 Westminster Abbey, London, Middlesex, England
Richard England
Born: ABT 1105 England
Died: 26 SEP 1119 At Sea, Barfleur, Manche, France
Adelaide Of Angers
Born: ABT 1112 Normandy, France
1 DEC 1135 Lyons-La-Foret, Normandy, France aged 67
4 JAN 1135/1136 Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire, England
Name Suffix: King
Ancestral File Number: 8XJ0-6V
Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested RanulphFlambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting asidefor the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 RobertCurthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of Ð2,000. He had no intention of keeping up thepayments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enoughto move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeatedand sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. Noone had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until thesettlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of

Reigned 1100-1135. Duke of Normandy 1106-1135.
His reign is notable for important legal and administrative reforms, and for
the final resolution of the investiture controversy. Abroad, he waged several
campaigns in order to consolidate and expand his continental possessions.
Was so hated by his brothers that they vowed to disinherit him. In 1106 he
captured Robert and held him til he died. He proved to be a hard but just
ruler. He aparently died from over eating Lampreys!

Henry I 'Beauclerc', King of England
b. Sep 1068
d. 1 Dec 1135

Henry I 'Beauclerc', King of England was born in September 1068 in Selby, Yorkshire, North Riding, England.2 He was the son of William I 'the Conqueror', King of England and Matilda de Flandre.1 He married, firstly, Editha of Scotland, daughter of Malcolm III 'Caennmor', King of Scotland and Saint Margaret 'the Exile', on 11 November 1100 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, England.2 He married, secondly, Adeliza de Louvain, daughter of Godefroi I de Louvain, Duc de Basse-Lorraine and Ida deNamur, Comtesse de Namur, on 29 January 1121 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England.3 He was also reported to have been married on 2 February 1121 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire. He died on 1 December 1135 at age 67 in Saintt-Denis-le-Fermont, Picardie, France, food poisioning, after supposedly overeating lampreys.4 He was buried in Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire, England.4
Henry I 'Beauclerc', King of England gained the title of Lord of Domfront in 1092.2 He gained the title of Comte de Coutances in 1096.2 He gained the title of Comte de Bayeaux in 1096. He succeeded to the title of King Henry I of England on 2 August1100.2 He was crowned King of England on 5 August 1100 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, and styled 'Dei Gratiâ Rex Anglorum.5' He fought in the Battle of Tinchebrai on 28 September 1106.2 He succeeded to the title of 9th Duc de Normandie on 28September 1106, after defeating his brother Robert in battle.2
Strangely, at the time William 'Rufus' was shot in the New Forest, Henry was also hunting there and this may or may not be coincidence. Henry was in turn in some danger from his brother Robert who claimed the throne for himself. Robert was captured at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106 and Henry imprisoned him in Cardiff Castle for the rest of his life. Henry was successful in keeping the peace in England despite spending much time in Normandy. He developed the English system of justice and organisedthe civil service of the time, particularly the taxation department. He was unpopular with the church leaders. He had only one legitimate son, William and a legitimate daughter Matilda, but over twenty illegitimate children. His sons William and Richardwere drowned in 1120 aboard his personal vessel the 'White Ship' when it struck a rock off the Normandy coast. He wanted his successor to be his daughter Matilda whom the English called Maud. He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography.6

Family 1 Edith Sigulfson d. 1173
Child Robert FitzEdith, Baron of Okenhampton+ d. 31 May 11727

Family 2
Children Gundred d. a 1130
Sybilla of Falaise
Matilda+ 7
Constance+ 7
Alice+ 8
Matilda+ b. c 1090, d. 25 Nov 11207
Gilbert b. c 1130, d. 11427
William de Tracy+ b. b 1135, d. a 11357
Joan b. b 11358
Emma+ b. b 11358

Family 3 Ansfride
Children Juliana+ b. c 1090, d. a 11367
Fulk b. b 11007
Richard of Lincoln b. b 1101, d. 25 Nov 11207

Family 4 Sybilla Corbet b. before 1074
Children Rohese+ d. a 11767
Robert de Mellent de Caen, 1st Earl of Gloucester+ b. c 1090, d. 31 Oct 1147
Sybilla of England b. c 1092, d. 12 Jul 11227
William, Constable b. b 1105, d. a 11877
Rainald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall+ b. c 1110, d. 1 Jul 11759

Family 5 Editha of Scotland b. circa 1079, d. 1 May 1118
Children Euphemia of England b. Jul 11017
Matilda 'the Empress' of England+ b. c Aug 1102, d. 10 Sep 1167
William 'the Aetheling', 10th Duc de Normandie b. b 5 Aug 1103, d. 25 Nov 1120
Richard of England b. b 1118, d. 25 Nov 1120

Family 6 Nesta, Princess of Deheubarth d. before 1136
Child Henry FitzHenry+ b. c 1103, d. c 11577

Family 7 Isabella of Meulan b. between 1102 and 1107, d. after 1172
Children Matilda of Montvilliers 7
Isabella b. c 11207

Family 8 Adeliza de Louvain b. circa 1103, d. circa 23 April 1151

King of England, 1100-1135; Duke of Normandy.

Database: stanwardine   Bridge Family Tree
Contact: William Bridge