Letters from Harold Sykes Longford Hall

Born: 19-Feb-1865, married Winifred Charlotte Jane Wellesley on 05-Feb-1903, died: 13-Feb-1942, father: Thomas Hardcastle Sykes, mother: Mary Platt Family Tree

  Letter from Harold Sykes, Longford Hall to Henry Platt Hall re death of mother
Longford Hall
March 4th 1904

My dear Henry,
I only heard yesterday of
the sad death of your mother.
I did not know she was even
ill, I write to offer you my
deepest sympathy in your sad
loss; it is one that one never
can replace and a gap that

can be filled as I know
only too well. I wish I
could have come to the funeral
but I only got the notice
yesterday and it was then too
late. My brother Alan is

in Algiers so he too will not
be there.
Again my deepest sympathy with
you all in your trouble & with
kind remembrance to your wife,
Your affectionate cousin
Harold P Sykes


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