Letters from James Edward Platt

Born: 12-Dec-1856, died: 20-Sep-1928, father: John Platt, mother: Alice Radcliffe Family Tree

  Letter from James Edward Platt to Aunt re Condolence 19-Mar-1887
March 19th 1887
Dear Aunt,
Many thanks for
your card conveying the
sad news. Poor man he
has gone at last & perhaps
it is the best it should
be so under the long
painful circumstances
& feel very sorry for Aunt.
She has had a long time
of trouble & now the end
has come I hope her nerves
will not give way, although

they will be sorely tried.
She should therefore bear up as well
as possible otherwise a
reaction might retain, after
the long trial her strength
has had to bear. She should
in my opinion get away
for a month's quiet rest
as soon as possible for a complete
change of scene. I am sure
she would derive the greatest
benefit from it. I would
have run over today to see
her, but then I thought
I could no nothing. I might
only be in the way. I have
written her a short letter
of condolence. I told her I
will look in early on
Monday about 10.30 to
see if I can do anything
for her. Be sure you make
her bear up & face bravely
the terrible affliction God
has sent to her.
Believe me
your affectionate nephew,
James E Platt


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