Letters from James Hall b 1779

Born: 21-Nov-1779, married Mary Whitehead, died: 08-Dec-1859, father: James Hall, mother: Mary Mallalieu Family Tree

  Letter from James Hall to nephew Joseph Platt 31-Dec-1844
Sherbrooke Dec 31st 1844
Dear nephew,
My intention was to write you
before this, but owing to your Uncle
Will being in a dangerous state have
deferred till now. His pulse has been up to
a hundred & ten but is down to about normal.
Your mother has been over to see him
but durst not go in on account of her family
Doc. James considered him much better
but I should say not out of danger.
You know that fevers are very stressful.
Your brother James came for his horse
the night after and seems to be
quite anxious to become possessor
of some property that would magnify
all three of you, I should say a chestnut

if it can be come at on fair terms
his what I should prefer before any
sort of property I have seen Due form
since, but he tell me they are selling
at over 25 years. Perchance you can
give me your opinion what you
should prefer.
I am very glad you stood
your journey so well and arrived safe &
trust that you strive all that in you lays
to mark good weather, and bury all mechanical
calculations in the ashes, I trust you are
enjoying the same blessing that I now enjoy
that health and still to continue till we meet
again, my son William had a stomach complaint
but Doctor Tom set him all right.
your affectionate
James Hall
NB Give my respects to Sarah Ann
and tell her that I am very anxious to know
after seeing another part of this little island
whether she still intends to take the vale.


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