Letters from Joseph Platt

Born: 20-Feb-1816, died: 16-Mar-1845, father: Henry Platt, mother: Sarah Whitehead Family Tree

  Letter from Joseph Platt To Brother John 25-Jun-1840
White Bear Inn
June 25th 1840
My Dear Brother,
I have received your letter of the 21st instant
since I came to Manchester and from Mr Yorton
to you dated June 20th. I am sorry I cannot herewith
send you all the letters of introductions. I have seen Dr Jersey
& Co and my friend Mr Greicrisk informed me that he had
been taken unwell and has not attended long to business.
however he has promised to send them up on Friday
next to be sent off by the mail of the Monday following
and I wish you to be particular in giving me proper
instructions where to send them to. I have enclosed
two letters from Mr Radcliffe and he wishes me to state
that you had better tell the parties in Paris what trade
you follow as he thinks it might be something in your
way, the parties are cotton spinners and you must not
leave Paris if possible without seeing them.
Mr Seth Leigh promises to have sent letters here

but has not yet arrived, however I will send
them along with others on Friday or Saturday
next, in the meantime don't forget to write
home. There is nothing of any moment
since you left, we are all quite
I remain dear Brother
Yours truly,
Joseph Platt


  Letter from Joseph Platt to parents Sep-1842
Bowden, Sept 20 1842
Dear Parents,
We have received your
letter this morning and were
glad to hear that you are
doing well and sincerely hope
that your may better derive benefit.
Mr Bradstreet has persuaded me
to go to Malta in preference to
any other climate and perhaps
accordingly with respect to
the land I have in open for you
to settle and must say that Mr
Schofield will be good to treat
with his offers every face but think

if am ever to clear with him
we could do better still. Sister
Sarah will everything as far as the
family affairs, as I am off
to Oldham and has no time
to write a long letter.
Yours affectionately
Joseph Platt


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